Why I Love Cash-Back Apps for Groceries… But Not for Saving $$$
I’ve noticed a trend recently (okay, it’s been for about the last freakin’ DECADE) where everyone who posts about how to save money on groceries almost always mentions cash-back apps. Frankly, I think it’s unhelpful at best and misleading at worst.
Now, I love using apps like Ibotta. I really do! But these kinds of apps certainly don’t pay enough to save money on my grocery bill. And they don’t make the food cheaper at the register, either! Cash back and money saved are not necessarily the same thing if you can’t pull the whole amount out of your account all at once. When I scan my card at the check out, it doesn’t care if I’ve saved a whole $3 on Ibotta, it still charges me the whole amount.
Okay, so you caught that, too? Apps like these don’t usually pay a whole lot, and in order to save big bucks, you usually end up buying a lot of things you wouldn’t have bought otherwise. Is that really a savings? I don’t tend to think so. I prefer to save on my groceries by only buying what my family will eat, and then making sure we actually eat the stuff I buy. Getting a whole bunch of stuff that gives me a dollar back doesn’t save me the other $4 I spent on the product. And sure, you can layer discounts, but either way, it doesn’t usually affect what you’re charged by the retailer.
We can’t count something as saving money unless it means you really pay less, and with all of these apps that I’ve ever tried, you don’t! Getting cash back isn’t the same thing, especially in such small amounts. So if I don’t consider apps like these a grocery savings, why do I use them?
Because I like getting treats for stuff I have to do anyway.
If I’m doing the grocery shopping anyway, because we have to have food to eat, it’s great to get an Amazon gift card or something every once in a while. I don’t have to scan the apps for products I can tolerate, I just buy what I’m buying anyway, and if something gives me a few cents back, great! But it’s a bonus, not an expectation.
Using cash-back apps makes me feel good, not because it contributes to my bottom line, but because I like getting extra treats and it’s not much work to do to earn them. So, I’ll keep using them, and I’ll keep on grinding my teeth when someone suggests them as a way to save money on groceries. I’m not doing it for imaginary savings, I’m doing it for the excuse to click “add to cart” on that new cordless immersion blender I’ve been eyeing.
Go ahead and use the cash back apps! They have great benefits. But if you’re using them to save on your food bill, I worry you’ll be disappointed. Do it for the treat – you’re doing the shopping anyway. It’s nice to get a little gift for it now and then.