3 Steps to Cleaning Up After the Holidays

Are you one of those people who puts the tree away on December 26th, or are you the kind who miiiiiight take it down sometime in February?


Either way, there are a few things you can do to make the experience not only doable, but fun, too! This is the method I use to make taking down the decorations feel less like a slog and more like I’m unwrapping one more present.


Step 1: Grab a reward before you start. Yes, I said BEFORE. If you’re autistic or ADHD like me, we often don’t get motivated by the promise of a reward later. We want that dopamine now! And what’s more, we need it in order to get started. So grab yourself a treat to get the ball rolling, whether it’s a tasty coffee to drink while you’re working or a podcast you’ve been meaning to make time for, you get double credit if it’s something you can enjoy WHILE you’re working.


Step 2: Start with the small stuff. This seems counter-intuitive at first, but it’s the best way. We’re going to use those small first things to build momentum, and let’s face it – if you’re taking down a Christmas tree, you probably have to take the ornaments off first. But starting with the biggest task can feel intimidating, so we’re starting with the smallest one. The barrier to entry is low, and look at that! Now you’re making progress, so you might as well keep on going.


Step 3: Take special notice of the open space left behind by the stuff you put away! You’re not packing away the holiday joy – you’re uncovering a room for possibilities! Like the children’s book (one of my favorites) Sally’s Room by Mary K. Brown, says, “There’s so much room in this room!” Celebrate that! Take the focus off what you’re putting away and put the focus on what you’re revealing piece by piece. A bright, open space that’s full of possibilities instead of stuff.


So if you’re still trying to get motivated to put your holiday décor away for the season, try this out and let me know! Does this feel better than the way you’ve done it before? And more importantly, did you actually get your decorations put away?


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